Once again we'd like to thank all of you for helping us to make our first birthday celebrations such a smashing success! And of course we’d like to wish a big congratulations to the winner of the draw in our birthday gift giveaway for the $100 TreeTopTravel gift certificate….
Congratulations to:
Carl & Monica McGrath!!
And since we were so thrilled with the number of new subscribers who joined us, and we had so much fun spinning the big prize wheel here at travel headquarters, we couldn’t just stop there. So we decided to spin the wheel a few more times and award three more winners who will each receive a $25 TreeTopTravel gift certificate as a small token of our appreciation to help add to their travel piggy banks…
Congratulations to:
Pam Bouchard!!
Lisa Roberts!!
Susan Blanchard!!
And because we truly appreciate each and every one of you, our loyal subscribers, we’d like to give each of you a birthday surprise. So please click HERE to reveal the gift that we have for each of you! We hope that it will be of great use to you and we want you to know that this gift can absolutely be combined with any other offers or specials!! Even our exclusive group offers for 2021 found HERE!!
As always here’s to many more happy travels!